I love a good banana split.
Picture this: a nice, long, oval shaped glass bowl. In it is placed a perfectly sliced banana. On top of the banana is laid a scoop of vanilla ice cream sandwiched between a scoop of chocolate and a scoop of strawberry. To add to the sweet bliss of this dessert, streams of chocolate and strawberry syrup are gracefully woven atop the ice cream. What seems like a fairly large dish is practically doubled in size by the whipped cream. To give even more color to it, a generous amount of sprinkles is added to the mix. And, of course, in order for it to be complete, there must be a cherry on top.
Who wouldn't enjoy a dessert such as this? It makes me happy just thinking about it. I really cannot explain the pleasure I get out of eating a banana split similar to the one described above. I love to just lose myself in the glory of eating it. But! the thing with a banana split is, you have to have it all for it to be truly glorious. You can't just go with half a banana and a small scoop of vanilla. That just doesn't cut it! Neither can you have the whole deal and only take a few bites. Why would you stop short with just a little bit of enjoyment?
I LOVE the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Picture this: you're in a beautifully white room. You're surrounded by your friends and family, the people you love. Everything is absolutely glorious: you, the people, your surroundings. Everything is peaceful. Everyone is happy. The joy of being in this room is multiplied by the fact the God and Jesus Christ are there as well. The room is filled with ultimate love.
Who wouldn't want to be in a place such as this? The happiness I feel while eating a banana split? Nothing in comparison with the joy I feel by living the gospel of Jesus Christ. It makes me so excited! The fact that my family and I can live with God and Jesus Christ in a perfect, glorious state brings me absolute happiness. Not just temporary happiness, but Eternal happiness. When you can have something as marvelous as that why would you settle for something less? What's a half a banana and a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the entire, decked-out banana split? They just can't compare. Neither can anything on this world compare to the glory of God's kingdom. And when you have something this wonderful, why would you only take a few bites? Why stop short of everlasting life and eternal happiness?
I definitely cannot explain the immense joy I get out of living the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love to just lose myself in it. I know that the gospel brings TRUE JOY. When we live it Fully we can enjoy All the blessings God has in store for us. I do love a good banana split. But I LOVE the gospel of Jesus Christ even more!!!
Much love,
Hermana Haslam
Absolutely fantasic! Thanks for the post, Sis. Haslam! I would agree 100%--there's nothing so delicious as a bowl of your favorite ice cream; except the taste of true doctrine and the joy you get in living it! I can't wait to experience the sweetness of my Father's presence again. I want EVERYONE to feel that love too!!