We all face trials in our lives, whether outside of ourselves or within. Sometimes, the battles we fight within ourselves are more troubling and more scarring than the ones we fight on the outside. I think the idea of recognizing our personal inadequacies, especially when they glare us in the face, can have a crippling effect on who we want to become and where we want to be if we aren't careful.
I was reading an article this morning from one of the leaders of our church, and he referenced Peter's experience in the Bible when Jesus was walking on the water toward them and told Peter to come out on the water and meet him. He started to go, but became afraid and started to sink. He cried out to Jesus, who caught hold of him and took him to the boat in safety. Now think about that--Peter was an expert fisherman. He'd seen plenty of storms before, and surely winds and waves fiercer, higher, and stronger than those on the sea that night. So what was it that caused him to sink? The scriptures say "he was afraid", and cite "little faith" and "doubt" as some of the factors (see Matthew 14 for the rest of the story).
Now, if a great man like Peter was called "thou of little faith", that means I have a long way to go. But Jesus understands. He gets the fact that I'm an imperfect person and won't be able to live up to expectations all the time (especially self-imposed expectations! Goodness knows I give myself a hard time about a lot of things..). But that doesn't mean I don't try. That doesn't mean I don't meet Him half way, or 10% of the way, or half-a-percent of the way. Hold on. He's coming to rescue you, whether it's the winds and the waves that have you worried, or it's the doubt, fear, internal struggles you've got. Just hold on.
Much Love,
Elder Spendlove
*Comment below or on my facebook: How do you find the strength to hold on?
O my Soul…
5 years ago
This same story hit me a few weeks ago in the same way. Peter, little faith? Such a comfort to know that our Savior is there to help make up the difference for us. Whatever percent we can give, he will take and help us to break even.